The Journey of Three

“…He has risen..” – Luke 24:6

Words, as we all know, are powerful. Words have a way to build us up, or break us down. Words can heal us. Words can hurt us. Especially, for some reason, we love using three-words statements. “I love you.” “I hate you.” “I forgive you.” “It is over.” “See you later.” “Kiss my (butt).” There are more three-word statements, but you get the point.

During Holy Week, one three-word statement stands out strongly. On Good Friday, Jesus was crucified for us all and uttered His last words. “It is finished.” What was finished? His mission is to fulfill the law and for people was to live with Him eternally in Heaven. But His disciples, His mother, and His followers during this moment had another three-word statement. “We are lost.” They believed in Jesus. They believed He was the Messiah to save us, but not to die. This was not their version of the mission. The followers of Jesus, just like us, have limited minds that can only see so much. They believed in another three word statement, “It was over.” But truly, it wasn’t.

Early Sunday morning, something happened. Something that is still talked about 2,000 years later. The tomb was empty. Jesus wasn’t there. The two Marys were shocked until an Angel appeared and told them the greatest three-words for all of us. “He has risen.” When Jesus rose, we won the battle. When Jesus rose, we have victory through this life on earth. When Jesus rose, anything is possible. Three words in an early morning made the biggest impact on our lives. Remember Him today. Celebrate the Risen King. He rose for you. You are that valuable to Him. Another three words for you: He loves you.

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